Product Introduction

  • Origin:Taiwan Package
  • Model No:BOD # 13 / # 12 / # 15
  • Package On The Left:Plastic Bottle 1 Liter x 12 Cans/Cartons
  • Package On The Center:Plastic Bottle 100 ml x 24 Cans/Cartons
  • Package On The Right:Plastic Bottle 50 ml x 50 Cans/Cartons

Product Features

  • No heavy metal properties, harmless to oil pipes, oil seals and other rubber/plastic parts. Keeps engine running smoothly and more efficiently. Reduce smoke, extend driving mileages, improve engine power and prolong engine service life.

Use Guide

  • Add this product into the fuel tank before adding gasoline or diesel oil. Please follow the instructions on the bottle for the dosage.
  • (For any question, please consult with the technician.)

Chemical Additives

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